Casidy Rae is a visual artist born in Dallas,Texas, her work centers around female empowerment through healing and female figures. Through her rigorous study of art at the Southern Methodist University’s Meadows School of the Arts her love of creation and dedication to improvement flourished. She discovered her passion of art through a ten year battle with eleven concussions. Using her work as a way of healing, she now aims to empower healing in others. In 2024, Casidy Rae has shown in six cities from coast to coast: San Diego, CA, Laguna Beach, CA, Newport Beach, CA, Los Angeles, CA, SoHo, NY, Wynnwood, Miami, FL, and will be finishing the year with her seventh in Miami Beach, FL in December. In 2025, she will be expanding her visibility abroad in Madrid, Spain, and Paris, France.
My work centers around female empowerment through healing and female figures. Using art as a way of healing both trauma of the mind and body, creating taught me how to fall in love with living again. Initially rooted in the realm of realism, my practice recently has evolved toward abstraction, due to a new found inspiration of creating by drawing ideas from other avenues of art such as music and performance. I am particularly drawn to the female form and the expressive gestures associated with different forms of dance. Although I have never been a dancer myself, but have always been interested in the bodily movements in response to different types of music. My recently completed series, "Vertigo", alongside my ongoing project, “Celestial”, are the compilation of skills learned from all phases of life. Drawing on particular learned skills such as the attention to detail in nature's “dances” or patterns as well as studying the rhythmic flow of music. Through the power of music and art, artists create the reality in which the non creators live and I aim to convey, via paint, what the soundtrack to the human experience draws in my mind.
Current Series: “Perpetual”
Most Recent Performance Work:
“You Deserve To Be Loved”
this piece was addressing the ritualistic acts of looking in the mirror (both physically and metaphorically) and critiquing yourself. If we are honest with ourselves the ritual of looking in the mirror everyday more often than not has become a negative act. We look for imperfections rather than appreciating the beauty of our bodies and in our minds. We are all beautifully created and unique in our own ways. WE ARE NOT MEANT TO BE PUT INTO A COOKIE CUTTER VERSION OF WHAT SOCIETY DEEMS BEAUTIFUL. In this piece I went through the process of looking in the mirror (left was a warped mirror to look short and chubby, the right a warped mirror to look tall and thin, and then the middle to reflect the version of you that is really there), and critiquing my body with a red sharpie the way society says I should in order to be deemed beautiful. I then took time to really look in the mirror at the critiques and remind myself I am beautiful and that my vulnerability is beautiful.
In part two, I opened the floor to the audience to reflect on my performance by taking a risk and stepping up to really look at themselves in the mirror. I then read aloud the responses I had received in my Google form about how people wanted to be loved and allowed the responses of other people’s words to be the things that the audience needed to hear. One by one, people from the audience took the step to come forward and let me pour that love over them. It was truly powerful to see the way the words were received. So again, thank you all for your support, whether you responded to the form, came to the performance, or liked/ shared this post, YOUR support is what makes the work as powerful as it is.
Previous Works
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“Lifesaver” progression video and explanation
“ The Player” is a representation of the enviorment we as a society raise the next generation into. The idea is that players are not born they are created through life experience.
“The Player”
Current Showing!
see newest works in RAW Artists: LEVITATE - in Orange County, California!
Doors open @ 7pm
1875 Newport Blvd